Sunday, March 4, 2012

Hair Salon Hidden Camera

I have no idea how real this is but it looks genuine and is funny.. one woman freaks and runs out.. any opinions?



Freedom said...

not hidden...

this video was from

all pretty much a paid private hookers...

FreddyX said...

Yeah, I knew what site its from.. just not sure on the girls.. do you think all the dancing bear girls are hookers too?

Freedom said...

not all of them...but majority of them are picked from adult webcam or private escort...very few are REAL...

FreddyX said...

The dancing bear girls are very plain looking.. watching one is enough for me.. the music and the cheering etc drives me nuts..

Freedom said...

I used to think dancing bear girls are real but then I start looking for those woman...I have many information where these woman actually comes from...

The ones that actually fucks in dancing bear are PRO not amateur...I used to watch the show all the time then it got boring....

btw freddy you have a nice blog...I love chics who swallow it never fucking gets old...

I suggest you move your blog out of google blogspot because they will shut it down once they find out...I like to have your email address just incase if the blog gets shut down i like to contact you for your new blog address...

many of my fav blogspot site have been taken out :(....

FreddyX said...

Blogspot allows porn.. the blog is backed up regularly so I can make a new one straight away..

You can contact me by email if you follow this blog via the google connect box.. let me know what sites the dancing bear girls are on etc..